
CRUCIBLE, Gloucester Cathedral


1 September – 30 October 2010

Helaine Blumenfeld’s monumental work Flight is prominently on exhibition at Crucible – ‘one of the largest and most important exhibitions of contemporary sculpture to take place in Britain during the past decade’.


The Cathedral and its precincts have been filled with 76 works of art by 48 sculptors.

The curator of the exhibition and director of Gallery Pangolin, Rungwe Kingdon, said:

“We wanted to find contemporary sculptures that would complement the magnificent setting of Gloucester Cathedral, which is a great work of art in itself. We are extremely fortunate in that every sculptor we approached has responded positively. The result is a tremendous endorsement of the sculptural richness of our age and a fitting tribute to the medieval period, justifiably known as the ‘great age of sculpture’ in British history.”

Flight was made specially for this show. In the Crucible catalogue, Blumenfeld wrote, ‘Flight affects the viewer through its movement. I have always sought to convey motion in my sculpture, though not so much physical as emotional motion: how you get from A to B within yourself, how the energy of your emotion carries you somewhere else.’

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